Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Art is an attitude

At the beginning, I would like to state that I am not a native English speaker, thereby, when I want to write something have ‘more feeling’ response, it seems not an easy thing for me. Please forgive my grammar mistakes and not accurate insights. I will try my best to write more literary and artistic articles, please try your best to reach the soul integration with me~~~~
Originally, I thought I knew what is art. It is simple, like painting, sculpture, dance, music, and so on, to a certain extent these are all known as art. But after I listen to the Tyrras’s class, I think I’m so shallow, although everyone has their own interpretation of art.
From all the materials which Tyrras showed on our class, I found there is a common feature among them—attitude. They are all related to art, although they have different manifestations, something works about ancient Roman art of 16th century, something about contemporary street art, one of the most impressive point is that the attitude of creation. When I saw the ceiling frescos in Sistine Chapel, I was deeply shocked. Aside from Michelangelo’s unique creative, aside from those cumbersome process steps, and aside from the gossip during the creative process, I saw Michelangelo’s attitude—careful, serious and the pursuit of perfection. Firstly, when I saw the ‘the Creation of Adam’, my first impression is that the composition and the form of the whole piece is very simple, from the unprofessional perspective, I think the benefit for ordinary people is easy to remember. Secondly, I found that the image and action in this work was given the grand momentum and dynamism, all the limbs and movements was endowed with strong constitution. Because I have studied history, I knew that in the 15th century, the wave of the Renaissance was swept whole Europe, there has been a recurrence of ‘human’, Michelangelo integrated the social trends into his own creation. From this point, I got his attitude about careful and serious. I think that art doesn’t great in itself, the really great thing is the attitude of the creation of art. Like ‘R Mutt’s Urinal’, Tyrras said that a lot of people discussed that whether this work can be classified as art or not, in my opinion, I think it really doesn’t matter. Mr. Mutt chose ‘urinal’, an item from real life, rearranging it so that it has more useful significance under the new title and view. He used the new attitude to look everything, the new attitude to create new item. In my own opinion, the new attitude to an item must be classified as art.
Another video which left a deep impression on me is ‘Shepard Fairey’. I have to say that I really like his work and I think he is cool. In last year, at Tianzi Fang (It is a
street in Shanghai which concentrated the most avant-garde art around the whole world. This is the official website: I’m sure, Tyrras, you will be interested in), it’s the first time for me to see this pop style painting which from Shepard Fairey. I was attracted by the refreshing style!!! Like Shepard Fairey said in his video, his work always mixed a variety of styles together, emphasizing the novel and unique, using the exaggerated colors. One of his work I like best is ‘Hope’. I know if I said this, someone may think: oh, it’s just a mainstream taste, a lot of people love this piece. But it’s okay, it’s fine, I’m a superficial person. I really like ' hope', I like Obama under the red, white and blue; I like the angular face under the shadow, I like the Obama’s expression is full of determination and militancy, I like it all because that I saw the new American dreams in this painting. A kind of dream—hold hope to chase your dream firm and hold hope to change the current situation, this is really amazing and inspiring! From his unique method of creation and expression, I can read his attitude about art—innovation. He used his own innovation to explain the ‘pop art’ style in new meaning, he used his own innovation to make his works abounded in the modern atmosphere, including his own fashionable brand—OBEY, I can see this innovative attitude about art.
However, everyone has the different definition about art. In ‘Colbert Takes on Steve Martin about Art’, it seemed unbelievable that the value of a self-portrait is not higher than that of a parallelogram, in Martin’s eyes, the creation of this parallelogram is closer to art. Therebyin my mind, I also have the different view, I don’t know how to define the value of art like Martin did, but I think art is an attitude, an invaluable attitude.

(Hi, Tyrras, this is my 1st blog. Remember I told you that I have pasted the wrong paragraphs last time. Sorry for my careless, and thanks for your time and understanding!~)


  1. You need much more in depth discussion of that materials we cover in the course of the week.

  2. Ok, very nice! I've adjusted your grade for the first post!
