Thursday, January 27, 2011

Close to Art by Coincidence

      This week lecture, it’s little harder for me to figure it out, because a lot of academic words I can’t understand. But I have tried to note the evaluation which I can understand, and after class to search for the relevant information. When I give my plain opinion, please forgive my slow of understanding.
       Through Professor Sara Rabinowitz’s lecture, it was the first time for me to get knowing about ‘fiber’. In wikipedia, it said that fiber art is a style of fine art, it’s an academic meaning for me. From my own perspective, I think that fiber is fine, long, take the form of lines. I really like the lecture Mrs. Rabinowitz gave to us, from the pictures she showed to us, I know that fiber has a wide range of manifestation, they can be tree roots, hair, knitted sweater with the tinges of art, or the abstract earthworms. One picture made the deep impression on me is the ‘colorful kitchen’ (sorry I forget the name). I like this work not only because the likable colorfulness, but also because that this site is full of geometric. Even more, from these abstract factors, I can feel the vivid flavor of life, and even I saw the Tide in the corner. When an art work is related to life closely, my interest is suddenly become more. From here, I think that I can be closed to art by coincidence, maybe I will get the inspiration from the next street corner~~~~~~
From the Anni Albers’s experience, I know more about the origin of fiber art. From Anni’s foundation, I saw a piece of text which written that ‘ Anni experimented with new materials for weaving and executed richly colored designs on paper for wall hangings and textiles in silk, cotton, and linen yarns in which the raw materials and components of structure became the source of beauty.’ The special icons can be expressed in many different ways. Anni Chose the new material to express her idea, feeling and thoughts. Little by little, during her study on color, shape, the plane and three dimensional illusions, she found the delicate relationship among them. These all the miniature of fiber art. Thereby, from her later creation which related to fiber art, I think her style is simple and object, filled with fiber elements and geometry. Comparing to her work, I think Paul Klee’s work is more poetic and musical sense. Anne has said that ‘If you answer fiber materials, will have a number of possibilities.’ This sentence reflected the creative wealth of fiber art.
Not like anni Alber’s work, I can read rational sense. But in Paul Klee’s work, I see more emotional thought. Paul Klee has created a unique way of expression, and a new visually abstract art. In this artist’s fashionable work, what we see is a unique art which can stimulate out direct and indirectly sentience. In short, in Paul Klee’s work, everything is representing in a visual angle. Those helped us to discover the things what are broken by him into lines and colors. And then makes a discovery in itself generated by these components. Paul Klee’s work under the implied consciousness of the world, which can make us forget the reality in the real world. He denied the normal perception of the world, his eyes trace his pencil, with the flow of pencil, his dream was made up by fiber. He can be closed to art from his own world by coincidence.
In Cat Mazza's KnitoScope Testimonies, I also think that she can be closed to art by coincidence. She used fiber art in many interesting ways, these ways was related to our daily life. The iphone covers, bus logos, although in knitted sweaters, she put art closer to life. My friend said that she like the iphone covers which designed by her. It worth mentioning that after Tyrras’ class, I think the most obvious improvement of my progress is that I can found many details which related to art in my daily life~~~~~It’s a good beginning !Go!
As Chinese person, I knew Cai Guo-Qiang because of he is an art designer of gunpowder in Olympic Games in 2008 in Beijing. Discharging 29 giant footprints which showed by firewoke to the ‘bird's nest’, this behavior get the whole world astir. (By the way, Tyrras, I think if you have time, you should watch the opening ceremony of Olympic games in Beijing in 2008, it’s really amazing. You will find a lot interesting and traditional Chinese elements in here.) At the beginning, in my view, the use of gunpowder in Cai Guo-Qiang’s hands that is no different from when I played fireworks. The firecrackers which I played is just a special result which someone else have already designed, but Cai Guo-Qiang designed his own explosion effects, and was largely by his own control. But then I found that this goes far beyond this. Cai Guo-Qiang's work is on a special paper, the paper is made up of fiber which can be preserved the explosion of the paper. This is really an amazing thought!!! How clever and daring he is. He used another use of fiber to creat a new kind of art. Through his interview, I remember he said that this inspiration is from his life accidently. After I watched his video which Tyrras put in BB, wohoo~I think I like this guy!! Because Cai Guo-Qiang's work always has a strong sense of the country, Oriental metaphor challenge to Western values. Gunpowder, one of the four great inventions of ancient China, symbolizes the power of traditional culture in the arc disaster preparedness, joyous and peaceful, while in modern society, which in turn and extreme cruelty associated with war. I like the sparks which shock out of by the two different civilization. And I also enjoy that he can find the new materials of art in daily life. His work gave to me a faith that I can be closed to art by coincidence.

1 comment:

  1. The 2008 Olympic ceremony was really fun to watch! you are right about that! Good job talking about the artists from this week. You are doing a good job of working hard to understand what is being presented to you. Keep up the good work. Make sure to double check in your syllabus what needs to be talked about in these blogs, you forgot a visual response and missed talking about one of the multimedia artists.
