Friday, February 4, 2011

Photo can tell Story

How do you think about photos? I don’t know you, but when I saw a photo, yeah, like Tyrras said, I think it means true. I believe that everything I saw is real, because I can think the sounds which I listened to is unreal, the feeling which I felt is unreal, but nothing can escape into my eyes. Through the Craig’s presentation, I changed my opinion. (by the way, I like this nice guy, I enjoy his talking speed and witty humor, I also enjoy his photos which he showed to us in his Facebook~~~~). Nowadays, in the modern technological society, everything can be an illusion, even if it is something you see. In the Errol Morris’ "Photography as a Weapon", I never thought that even international event photo can be trickery. When I saw on July 10, a photograph of four Iranian missiles streaking heavenward, I was deeply shocked by this. This is my first time to see clearly ‘lie in photo’. When it comes to the political dimension, just like Hany Farid said: If you want to trick someone with a photograph, there are lots of easy ways to do it. You don’t need Photoshop. You don’t need sophisticated digital photo-manipulation. You don’t need a computer. All you need to do is change the caption. After I have read this passage, my truest response at first time is that I used to think software such as Photoshop is only for little girls like me to entertain with friends, unexpectedly, for political purposes, those greedy politicians also used Photoshop. Suddenly, I felt like Ps my own photos having a political significance~~hahahaha~ okay, go back to my topic, which point is inspire me is that when I saw the photo which after artist editing, I felt that the artist imitated the behavior of politicians to PS photos from an arts perspective to entertain the public while ironically laughing at those politicians’ greedy purposes, which is creative.
Through the Craig’s presentation, I also find an interesting thought, which is when people saw a photo, most of them like to imagine these photos’ stories by themselves. I remembered one sentence: You have your fear, which become reality, and then you have Godzilla, who is reality. Interesting view, uhhhhh~~Like, among the materials which Craig showed to us in the class, one photo made a deep impression on me—Ezra Stoller’s Manufacturer’s Trust Company, at first sight, I thought that oh my god, this is the library in UO, how deluxe! But when I saw the title, I laughed out of sound. I wanna say that the pictures is an illusion, partly because Photoshop software, partly because our assumption. We always want to try to understand the story in the photo by our own experience.
In our Tuesday lecture, when I saw the product which made by JR, I was deeply shocked by the photos and stories. I never heard this guy before, but when I saw his video, I was attracted by his creativity, vision, leadership, and persuasion. When I listened to Tyrras to introduce his background, stunning work, tough and even a bit dangerous working environment, looming and dashing figure, all of these, let my curiosity instantly had reached the top. When I saw those people's eyes in his shot, which instantly sent out my soul. Each eye is a living life, and some told uncomfortable, some in eyes of fear, some expressed hunger, some of them told the peace and love. In his view, I remembered that he said such a sentence, the general meaning is that his photos didn’t have any specific meanings, but in a general sense, all his work is about social justice and creating connections between different people. Whether it’s posting shots of Israelis and Palestinians with the same profession on the walls between the countries or putting up those shots of African and Brazilian women’s eyes in Cambodia, he’s compelling people to think about other people. Therefore, when I saw these eyes in second times and third times, I try to imagine them as giant eyes. Because the photos which in JR’s shooting, they all have moving stories, as well as the stories behind the heroes are strong on the pursuit of happiness, these all the behavior which belong to gaint. Whereupon, the most different point between JR and other artists is that JR’s work transcended language, borders and politics-which is precisely the point. Through the eyes of JR, I've seen that the warm, happy, positive side in some developing countries. I feel that I have established relationships with their instant. Just one thing I don't understand, why did he put his works on the building and then copy to enlarge? do you have any special significance?
         Comparing to JR, there is less sense for me when I saw the products which made by Alfredo Jaar. I knew him that his ‘The Gramsci Trilogy’ and ‘The Rwanda Project’ have great significance, but when I look at his work, there is no a lot resonances. But one of his work--Let One Hundred Flowers Bloom” leave me an impression. Because this photo is talking about China. Although it is a reflection of China in the past which not good enough, the moral of this piece is also interesting. He explained this photo, which is conveyed to us that intellectuals may die – they may be cancelled – but will never die. As a Chinese, I deeply appreciate his positive impact of this piece conveys to me. His profound work, some I don't quite understand, but this works, I am much agree with and appreciate his thoughts and ideas. Through this photo I know the story and his minds.
         There is one thing I really want to mention is that thanks so much for Tyrras. Because almost every class, you introduced some art works which related to China. They are positive side, creative side and even the gloomy side in China, these all make me enjoy. As Chinese, I am very happy to have an opportunity to know more about China through the eyes of Westerners.

1 comment:

  1. Yifan - you're responding to the media presented pretty well. You could be more formal in your writing, and make sure you address the connections you find with the material. Thanks!
